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Sustainability transitions

Processes of social change in response to societal challenges (Avelino et al. 2016 based on Grin et al. 2010 and Markard et al. 2012)


Changes in a system from one state to another, at a personal, cultural, physical, organizational, and institutional level (O’Brien & Sygna, 2013)



Complex process of introducing new products, processes or programs that profoundly change the basic routines, resources and authority flows, or beliefs of the social system in which the innovation occurs (Westley & Antadze 2010)


Patterns or processes by which society handles its problems and shapes its own transitions & transformations (Voß & Kemp 2006)

Social-ecological systems

Complex, integrated systems in which humans are part of nature (Berkes & Folke, 1998)

Agents of change

Individuals or a group of individuals driven by their ideals and vision for the world, and ultimately alter actively how others see the world, building a network of agents of change (Gallen, 2010)

Working concepts

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