TRUST (social innovation sTRategies for sUSTainability transitions) is a FCT research project that focus on sustainability transition initiatives supported by social learning and innovation as important factors that drive transformative change in social-ecological systems for community development.
The goal is to contribute to create locally based sustainability transitions initiatives, boosting transformative processes, through social innovation strategies, that can enable changes in approaches, routines, practices, systems and mind-sets.
The project adopts a participatory research and multi-actor approach with empirical observations in both urban and rural social-ecological contexts from three Portuguese case study regions: Lisbon, Aveiro and Évora. The TRUST project started in September 2018 and will run until August 2021.
“an arena (i.e. geographically or institutionally bounded spaces), and… an approach for intentional collaborative experimentation of researchers, citizens, companies and local governments”
(Voytenko et al. 2016)
Living Labs
Social Innovation Lab (SIL) are processes clearly intended to support multi-stakeholder groups in addressing a complex social problem specifically aiming at transformation of systems
(based on Westley and Saban, n.d.)
Technical Resources
News & Events
The final project meeting occurred on 25th of may of 2022, via zoom, where a last discussion on social innovation strategies for sustainability transitions was promoted. To all our team members, partners, collaborators and case studies representatives, THANK YOU! TRUST was a great journey and would not be possible without you.
Ciclaveiro at Notícias de Aveiro (regional journal): "Ciclaveiro promove deslocações para escolas a pedal e a pé".
A Avó veio trabalhar at Expresso (national journal): "A Avó Veio Trabalhar: um exemplo de envelhecimento feliz".
Minga in the media. For more information, click here.
Our PhD student has defended her thesis on 22th of April of 2022 about "The Potential of Social Innovation to create Transformative Capacity in Communities". Congratulations Joana.
Bela Flor Respira now has a wikipedia page. For more information click here.
For more information about our incredible case studies, check their websites:
A Avó veio trabalhar (Lisbon)
Bela Flor Respira (Lisbon)
Ciclaveiro (Aveiro)
Organização de Mulheres Pescadoras da Murtosa (Aveiro)
Minga (Évora)
A nova governança do Montado (Évora).
We will be presenting an oral communication on "Experimenting social innovation for transformative change: comparison between six Portuguese initiatives" at the 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference on Mainstreaming Sustainability transitions: From research towards impact.
A social network analysis questionnaire is being distributed to our case studies actors. With this, we hope to be able to better understand the network of the SI initiatives and how the actors interact with each other.
Minga participated in a webinar about how to transit towards a circular economy model: "Como transitar para um modelo de economia circular?".
Bela Flor Respira in the media: "Bela Flor, a floresta que alimenta Campolide com uma horta e solidariedade entre vizinhos".
Ciclaveiro in the media: "Ciclaveiro recolhe bicicletas usadas, que repara para entregar a escolas e cidadãos carenciados".
Minga in the media: "Minga: uma alternativa ao sistema económico dominante".
A Avó veio trabalhar is on TV. For more information, click here.
Ciclaveiro contributions for the Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR): "Contributos da Ciclaveiro para a "mobilidade sustentável" no Plano de Resiliência e Recuperação".
Minga is on the news. For more information, please click here.
A Avó veio trabalhar at Sábado (national magazine): "O kit bordado d'A Avó Veio Trabalhar é ioga para a cabeça".
A Avó veio trabalhar needs everyone's help: "A Avó Veio Trabalhar não quer baixar braços, nem pelo COVID.".
Interviews with the socially innovative initiatives being analysed in TRUST (the case studies) have been conducted in the past months. Soon we hope to have some results to share. A special thanks to all of those that shared their time with us!
In the end of September of 2020, we will participate in the 25th APDR Workshop - Social Innovation Towards Sustainability: Embracing Contemporary Challenges For Regional Development - with two communications.
In the beginning of September, we participated in ISIRC 2020 conference with two communications:
"Social learning and innovations in sustainability transitions – a research in progress" and
"The potential of social innovation to create transformative capacity".
“ISIRC is the world’s leading interdisciplinary social innovation research conference. The conference brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss social innovation from a variety of perspectives.”
A master dissertation on "Active participation methods in social innovation for sustainability" was defended at Instituto Superior Técnico. Congratulations Francisco.
The fourth team meeting took place via zoom, on the 21st of September of 2020, to discuss the implementation of the following activities in this new world panorama.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, some of the activities planned to be occur in the following months will have to be re-designed. Keep safe out there!
Due to some constraints, one of TRUST case studies (Pago em Lixo) is on standby. This way, and in order to achieve the project goal, a new case study is being analysed. Meet Bela Flor Respira!
On 19th of February of 2020, the TRUST team gathered in the University of Évora to discuss the conceptual model and framework being proposed by the project.
An interview to Ângelo Campota, one of the promoters of A Avó veio trabalhar, was conducted this July 30th. Thank you Ângelo for the kindness and the availability to collaborate with TRUST.
Some news about our case studies:
A Avó veio trabalhar (Lisbon)
Pago em Lixo (Lisbon)
Ciclaveiro (Aveiro)
CivicLab (Aveiro)
Minga (Évora)
A nova governança do Montado (Évora).
TRUST will be represented at ISIRC 2019 conference (11th International Social Innovation Research Conference) with two communications:
"Social learning and innovations in sustainability transitions – a research in progress" and
"Contributing to the conceptualization of Social Innovation".
A master dissertation on "Sustainability and resilience building through social innovation and citizens networks" was defended at the University of Aveiro. Congratulations João.
TRUST team was together for the project second meeting, which took place at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, on the 16th of April of 2019 to share the first findings obtained.
The project kick-off meeting took place at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, on the 17th of September of 2018.